Why do our customers come back to us?

The value that virtual reality gives users

The most important element of any business model should be the value offered to the customer. Of course, other elements of business decisions, such as resources or communication channels, play a very important role, but at the same time they are ‘just’ means to achieve the main goal, without which the business decision itself loses its meaning. A customer who wants to buy something has realized the need. If he needs shoes, he does not buy a hat, because this action will not satisfy his needs. Thus, the proposed cost is the most important element not only for the client, but also for the company, since creating a solution that meets the client’s needs is the driving force of a profitable enterprise. A satisfied customer will return if the solution offered by the company satisfied their existing needs and if new areas for development have emerged-for example, the possibility of expanding new markets. This creates another need for the customer, and if it can be met by the supplier, then both companies have the opportunity to grow together again. It is a pleasure to meet a satisfied customer who returns to the company for another product or service with full awareness of the correctness of such actions. This is an ideal situation regardless of the industry, as it benefits both sides of the transaction.

VR and customer needs

VR applications for businesses are ‘customized’ solutions. The need noticed by the client determines a number of actions that we take. From consulting to joint planning of the underlying system architecture, implementation and testing itself, to completing the project and delivering the application to a satisfied customer. It is necessary to keep in mind the user’s own needs in this process, especially if the subject of implementation is a VR training application. The intuitive interface and manual operation of the software will definitely save the user time, which is very difficult to understand. A VR app should find itself quickly. We are talking, for example, about training a larger number of employees as quickly as possible. The simplicity of the software contributes to these types of goals, and we know that at EPIC VR. The aforementioned need is one of the most frequently occurring triggers to start working on creating VR software for businesses. Efficiency, which can be easily measured in VR, is an indicator of the effectiveness of a given business solution in VR.

Thinking ahead in VR technology

For the vast majority of our clients, implementing virtual reality applications was the first experience associated with this environment. This means that the client himself did not have significant knowledge about virtual reality, the benefits of using it in the company, and the areas that need to be paid special attention already at the stage of planning the system architecture. EPIC VR is a sufficiently experienced Software House to always make the client aware of the need to leave ‘wickets’ in the application code itself. Such actions are aimed at modular implementation of the VR application, so that the client, after receiving the first application and when it is necessary to produce the next application, can save time and money by managing modules and their possible modifications. This eliminates the waste that, in this particular case, would be creating apps entirely from scratch. Based on modules, EPIC VR can save time on manufacturing, for example, hex keys in a second VR application, when the first one used this type of key with the same mechanics, but, for example, it only differed in size, which for a programmer and a graphic artist simply means a different 3D model. of course, for the price of subsequent applications and using this type of existing elements, this price will be relatively lower. Beyond the cost itself, however, a modular approach to projects is important, as the production line at the client’s facility may need to be remodeled or modified. The modular approach to implementing a VR app makes it easy to remove, add, and modify individual elements. The vast majority of our clients have returned to us at least once. With repeated collaboration, this value is noticed by the client, who did not have the essential tools to see it on their own when creating the first application. Fortunately, we thought about this with an expert approach, waiting for the return of a satisfied customer who decides to use VR in their business again. Customers thank us for this approach and believe that it is one of the most valuable values provided by EPIC VR.

Subject knowledge

VR is a relatively young environment. The constant development of this technology and the search for new areas for its application leads to the fact that enterprises and production houses of virtual reality work in a temporarily unstructured area. Youtube is a natural choice when we want to watch footage, but what kind of medium would come to mind if we wanted to watch short 360 videos with VR glasses? Such knowledge is not common, because the VR market it has not yet been dominated by any of the major players, who in turn would have established some trends. Then the rest of the market would start following the biggest ones as imitators, which in turn would create niches for other organizations to develop. The official opening of Metaverse may be the necessary breakthrough described above, which has never been seen before in the VR world.

EPIC VR has been on the market since 2013 and has implemented more than a hundred VR projects. We know which implementations are most difficult for individual sectors of the economy and various industries. We understand our customers ‘ needs, but also our own. This second element is most easily defined by the word ‘experience”’ This plays a special role when we talk about such a new market and technologies as VR. A market that has not yet developed ‘indisputable’ trends needs companies that will overcome the path, take their first steps on it, and make mistakes, which are the most valuable science. We have this behind us, and we know that it helps not only grow the business for profit, but above all, it is a huge part of the value we offer to a client who is not yet focused on the virtual reality application market. Simply put, we assume responsibility for implementing the application in accordance with the client’s goal. We ask ‘ what ‘and say’ How ‘ because we know our capabilities, tools, team, and technology. We know that the client is an expert in their field, and it is the client who best knows what the purpose of implementing an application enclosed in numbers is (for example, ). specific KPIs). Nevertheless, it is EPIC VR that is the expert in transferring the client’s knowledge to the world of virtual reality in a coordinated, smart and financially viable way for the client.

So why do customers come back to us?

All of the above provides an exhaustive answer to this question. The financial aspect, the expert side, experience and communication – these factors should be taken into account at the very beginning of cooperation with the client to ensure that the goal set for VR technology in this particular case is achieved. Thus, at the subject level, this topic can be considered as described in sufficient detail. However, it should be remembered that we work with people, which means that in fact all these factors, implemented with special care, make a kind of impression. This is perceived by a person on a subconscious level, and in fact, the appearance of this feeling will determine the return of the client to the company if the next need is found. This is trust. Customers come back to EPIC VR because they trust us. We have repeatedly proven that our knowledge is valuable and constantly updated, and that our approach puts the customer and the value they deliver at the top of our priorities. This means that our goals are the same. Then it’s easier, more efficient, and fun to work with. Thank you for trusting EPIC VR.

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