EpicVR and ESG values.

In a recent article, we learned that the environment, social responsibility, and corporate governance are all factors that should guide every business. We also learned about the positive aspects of implementing these factors in our company from the point of view of the market, employee and investor. In today’s article, we will learn how the VR industry implements these assumptions due to its specifics, and how EpicVR contributes to meeting ESG values.

Virtual reality and ESG values.

Thanks to the support of virtual reality technologies, we can even unconsciously implement many of the assumptions associated with fulfilling ESG values. Given the positive impact on the environment that VR gives us, we can conduct completely virtual meetings or trips without broadcasting. When it comes to safety, this technology makes it possible to conduct training in a fully controlled environment. Thanks to it, we enable our employees to learn even the most dangerous types of activities without any risk. A mistake made in a simulation, unlike the one that was actually made, does not have serious consequences, and the survival of such a simulation can really teach you a lot. Thanks to this technology, we increase safety in the workplace. Not only do we improve employees ‘ skills, but we can also guide newcomers more effectively during the hiring period. In addition, VR for many is also the only chance for treatment. As we well know, everyone deserves them, unfortunately, not everyone can always get them. First of all, we are talking about the possibility of performing rehabilitation in a virtual environment, without traveling hundreds of kilometers to rehabilitation centers far from where you live. VR technology allows you to broadcast the patient’s image to the moderator’s monitor and conduct a thorough analysis of the patient’s results and progress during ongoing treatment. Based on it, doctors can better select further treatment of the patient or even choose the appropriate medications. Using virtual reality can also be a great tool for visualizing problems and mistakes in the workplace, which is also ideal for many workplaces.

Significant impact of VR / XR / AR solutions

As I mentioned earlier, the use of virtual reality limits the CO2 emissions associated with having to travel to a specific location. It’s not just about driving low-emission vehicles or driving short distances. Thanks to VR, we can in many cases completely abandon traveling by plane or car. Of course, I’m not talking about completely eliminating these vehicles in favor of VR, but only about reducing their use. I am convinced that it is impossible to completely replace real meetings with virtual ones, but they can become a good alternative to contacts, if time, cost, or vehicle emissions are reduced. It is worth noting that virtual meetings are not only the possibility of virtual contact (as in the case of instant messengers), but, above all, the opportunity to meet in a common digital space. Although the difference may seem insignificant at first, its significance is really huge. Currently, tools such as Skype / Teams / etc. are used to conduct online meetings, which perform their role in transmitting information. However, their use does not provide an opportunity to meet another person, but rather simply to transfer certain information from one person to another. In VR, this meeting actually happens, and this is one of its advantages that outweighs previous communication tools. Virtual reality allows us to see another person and interact with them directly. This allows you to go deeper into the contact area and, thus, contributes to the creation of stronger connections. However, returning to the topic of the environment, in addition to VR solutions, AR applications are also an interesting tool. They are one of those elements that anyone can use, because most modern smartphones support solutions of this technology. The use of these tools can contribute not only to reducing the carbon footprint, but also to reducing the consumption of electricity and natural resources. An example can be, for example, applications like Grab AR, Nike Fit, Warby Parker, czy Vision Express AR. These are tools that help us make better decisions when shopping online. Apps allow you to virtually try on clothing and accessories, so that network data customers can better match their purchase and avoid returning a failed purchase back to the store.

But how does this relate to the environment? Well, very much. Every year, 60 thousand tons of clothing end up in the Akatama landfill. The world’s largest warehouse of textile waste.

Most of the costs associated with the production of clothing, primarily consists not of the production itself, but of logistics and distribution of a particular product. It is simply more profitable for wholesale companies to throw away the returned product than to pay for the costs associated with washing, disinfecting and putting it up for sale. The same goes for the related paper itself. If the buyer returns the goods for which the invoice was imposed, the seller is obliged to issue a correction invoice, which is a condition for VAT correction. It is also required that such an invoice should reach that particular person later. Garment companies receive thousands of such refunds every day. Therefore, it is easier for them to throw good new clothes in the trash and waste the raw materials needed to produce them than just take care of them. Unfortunately, this is what contributed to the creation of the textile desert in Chile. People don’t know about it, and it’s possible that it won’t be for a long time yet. However, by using AR solutions, they can actually help reduce the amount of clothing thrown away there. However, continuing with the question of the impact of social values of technology XR / VR / AR is also worth mentioning that VR is a tool for everyone. Due to its specificity and ability to create avatars, it overcomes all cultural and racial barriers. All solutions and worlds created in VR are made for everyone, and there is no room for any exceptions. In metaverse beta apps such as VRChat, Horizon Worlds, and RecRoom behavior that denounces / attacks any individual or community is considered a simple violation aimed at the unity of these virtual worlds. They are punished with an immediate loss of the account and a permanent ban. In the worlds of the Metaverse, principles are created with the goal of creating full social equality for all users. Therefore, their popularity is growing, because people can feel safe and free in them.


Over the past few years, we have created really many great solutions to improve the quality of work in our company, the companies of our customers and users of our applications. We had the opportunity to participate in the creation of an app for rehabilitation and help those people who were denied treatment. We created the BanquetVR virtual space, which allows you to conduct sessions, balls, and conferences in virtual reality. We have contributed to the continuous implementation of many training solutions in the companies of our clients and partners. We have created a working system based on virtual solutions, introducing a permanent non-stationary / hybrid mode in our work. We take care of our employees by conducting surveys within the company related to their desire to grow, offering them personalized training. We hold quarterly integration meetings and annual Fridays to improve the comfort of communication and socialization within the company. We run monthly summaries, scrums, create weekly schedules, and analyze daily reports to make our work even better. Every day we take a step towards becoming an even better company.

Maciej Fiałkowski, EpicVR

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